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Apr 12, 2024

Posted by Bellamy | Jul 28, 2023 | In your bag | 0 |

Jayden is back again, with an update to his previous bag, which was a banger too. This time around there is a a fair bit stuffed into this bag. So, let’s get into it without any further ado.


While I loved the Rollei, it had it’s limitations as a system camera. As most SL66 owners no doubt know, finding ANYTHING for that camera system was a nightmare. New lenses, different film magazines, and not to mention the fear of it failing (Look up a blueprint/X-ray diagram of the internals, You’ll understand why repairs are expensive…).So it was out with the Rollei, and in with it’s sworn enemy, the Hasselblad.Now that the Guilt of abandoning the SL66 for its historical rival has worn off, I can safely say it was a good move.I immediately realised that I was able to choose from a varied selection of lenses (in a fairly affordable price range, with good availability- another mark against the SL66), and have slowly built up a fairly comprehensive system of magazines and accessories to compliment it.

This time round, I am using my Brevite Jumper, since I’m indecisive and wanted to take the majority of my Hasselblad gear, so needed the extra room.

For the Hasselblad, I’ve stuck to my two favourite lenses; The Planar 80, and the Distagon 50. Both awesome lenses, and fit nicely in the bag compartments.


Keep them coming folks, we need more submissions, so get your bag on

Send me a high resolution image of the bag. Optimum size is 1500px across. Please ensure there is a bag in the shot, unless you don’t use one. The more you can write about yourself the better, make it appealing and tell us a story. Snapshots of your gear with a camera phone and no words will not be featured.Oh and don’t forget your contact details (Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Grainery et al). Send the bag shots here. Not all make the cut, so make sure yours is funny/interesting/quirky. And please make sure the shot is of good quality, you are a photographer after all.

Cheers– JCH

